Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Holy Cow, It's Been FOREVER!

I can't believe it's been so long since I've updated this!  Oh wait, yes I can...Life is crazy with these 3, yes I said 3, boys: Aaron, Evan and Travis. lol  Here are some newer pictures for your enjoyment!

Instant RECAP of Summer 2011 + a few extra months. :)

The Blessing of Evan Charles Clyde

James Clyde, Brandon Clyde, Nephi Dummar, Travis, Evan, Ryan Penfield, Grandpa Rowley, Richard Rowley

Yeah, Evan wasn't too happy by this time.  :(

Look Mom, Dad's letting me play in colored water!

I wonder what it tastes like?

Evan watched intently the whole time

Finding the eggs hidden in the back yard

The Easter Bunny left multiple balls for Aaron.  He was in heaven!!!

The Yard Project
We decided to remove the hill that was in the middle of our backyard that was left by the previous occupants. The previous owner was a landscaper and the top of the hill that we removed earlier was full of old sod, so I was a little nervous to find out what the rest of the hill was.  Needless to say, it was quite the project and I can now say that I will seriously consider moving into a home that was owned by a landscaper. We found rock, gravel, sod and anything else imaginable in that stupid hill! Well, I guess at least it's gone.  Now we just have to fill some of the low spots that were left by the skitzer (not sure how you spell it!).
We cut and rolled this sod ourselves, from our backyard.  :)

The Youth Temple Trip
I took the opportunity to take a few family pictures while we were at the Boise Temple with the youth.


Family Reunion at Thompson Lakes

Sorry Grandpa, they both needed a nap!

The Baker crew (minus a few)

Colten loved Evan and Evan loved Colten!

Tara and Evan

The Wayne and Terri Baker crew minus Kim's kids (we missed you Kimmers!!) and Travis who was playing volleyball in the Big Sky Tournament.


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